For Those Who Don't Know:
BackGround on Colin Andrews

Exclusive Interview With Colin Andrews
on the A&E program,
"Where Are All The UFO's? "

Colin Andrews provided the Southern Illinois MUFON Conference with a riveting update and a very frank discussion of recent and upcoming events regarding several facets of UFO research and related events, such as the opening of the UFO Museum in Hakui City, Japan.

Colin described features of crop circles which defy the hoax label. Some of these features which consistently occur in the non-hoaxed fields:

1. The outer edges of crop circles are defined with such detail and at tolerances which defy the "Doug and Dave" origin. The size and geometric complexity of these circles, the symmetry are obviously beyond the technology of human hoaxsters.

2. Plants in the fields which haven't been "manufactured" have no traces of human or mechanical intrusion such as tracks, footprints,etc.

3. Plants are bent over, not broken. This has occurred with plants which would break if stepped on or pushed over with tools or implements, and the plants are often "woven" in different layers, usually rotating from clockwise to counterclockwise from layer to layer. On more than one occasion, the entire rotational scheme of a circle has reversed from day to day, layer upon layer. This has occurred in fields which have been secured by the British Military.

4. Distinct, biochemical, cellular changes have been discovered in plants analyzed in laboratories. These changes defy replication or explanation by the world's leading plant geneticists and biochemists. Changes in the soil structure usually occur, such as calcium depletion in the soil, and the distinct lack of microbial life which is typical for earthly soil.

5. Plants within the circles are, although bent over, vibrantly alive, and their growth and development typically exceed that of surrounding crops by 40% or more. The plants develop more extensive root structures as well. Germination rates are greatly accellerated.

6. Second generation seeds from the plants witin the circles manifest the same properties as the first generation.

7. Plant nodules expand and extend as never before seen.

8. The circles can appear in any fields but seem to predominate in cereal crops. They have appeared in such diverse places as rice paddies in Japan, and in tall grasses along roadsides in California as recently as one week ago ( early May, 1996) .

9. Circles have appeared with increasing frequency in virtually every state in the United States and in nearly every country in the world.

10. Symbols represented or depicted in several circles have coincided and preceded significant events of global significance around the world. These symbols have often been readily recognized as being significantly related to such events, often related to environmental holocausts.

11. 90% of the world's crop circles occur within 40 miles of Stonehenge.

12. There are over 4,500 designs in the current database compiled by Colin Andrews. (Some of which are either considered hoaxes or are known hoaxes.)

13. Many occur in the proximity of historical spiritual sites around the world such as Stonehenge, Silvery Hill, Woodhenge, Avebury, The White Horses, and near ancient Indian burial grounds.

14. In many cases, the circles occur on top of subterrainean acquifiers. In one case, the clorophyl in all plants within two circles in a pattern was completely removed.

15. A grey powdery material was found in one circle. Analysis found it to be the same type of material found in meteorites, stongly implying an astral origin. This material made all animals and humans nauseous when exposed to the smell of the substance. This substance possessed magnetic properties. (This substance was found in a circle near Silvery Hill two years ago.) Analysis revealed the presence of a wide variety of bacteria; other substances, if found or detected, were not disclosed.

16. Circles (not hoaxed) have been found to have electromagnetic properties which have even destroyed electronic equipment such as cameras when such equipment has been taken within the boundaries of the cirles. The static charge is usually strong enough to easily be felt by people within the circles.

17. There are consistent mathematical and geometric ratios found in these circles which are testable and provable with Uclidean geometry. Some more recently have been exact examples of Fractal Geometry and depict fractals in the Mandelbrot set. A mathematician has even used principles discovered through observations of some of these types of patterns to postulate the solution for previously unsolved principles in these matehematical disciplines. He will soom publish research papers for the matematical community.

18. 5% of all crop circles in England have been declared unidentifiable and possibly of extraterrestrial origin by the British Military.

Colin says, "At a time in the history of the world when the human race is facing some hard decisions, we deserve to have all the facts, so we can make the best decisions."

Colin has offered to update us on the events of the opening of the Japanese UFO museum. We look forward to this and will pass along any information he provides. We have also offered him a forum at Deb's UFO Clearinghouse at his discretion.

18 months ago, Colin met with Japanese and United States government officails to debate and discuss the final stages of construction at the Museum of UFO Phenomena in Hakui , Japan. Also discussed was how to present the information about UFOs to the Japanese and American public. Colin was required to sign a statement to the effect that he would not reveal, to the pubic, anything he heard at this meeting, though, he feels enough time has passed that he is now more comfortable talking about it.

Colin's presence was requested--and he accepted--to be at the opening of the museum on July 17th of this year (1996) . At first, he was optimistic that the United States would fold under pressure from Japan and finally begin to release information that they had been holding for a long time. Recently, at a press conference in Ireland, President Clinton was heard making reference to the Roswell crash in New Mexico in 1947. He had recieved a letter from a little Irish boy asking the President if what he had heard about a UFO crashing in New Mexico was true. President Clinton called out over the crowd, as if the boy might be in the audience. Clinton was quoted as saying, "Ryan, if a UFO did crash in Roswell, New Mexico, they didn't tell me about it!" (Colin's responce to that comment was, "Of course, they wouldn't tell you!") Yes, it was supposed to be funny, light humor, but that's how they like to break things to us. It's almost a subliminal thing. Because of things like this, Colin was optimistic about the impending release of information. It looked as if the stage was being set, so to speak. Colin has recently seen signs that perhaps, certain factions in the U.S. government have decided NOT to release any information about what they know about UFO's despite pressure from Japan. This disheartening revelation comes at a time in the history of humanity when we need all the information we can get in order to make decisions that will enhance and help to preserve life as we know it now and for our children and their children.

Colin pointed out to those of us in the audience, the fact that there have been more discoveries of an astronomical kind in the last year than ever before seen. And that there might well be more to come in the near future. Crop circles seen forming now seem to be foretelling of things to come for us, environmentally, geologically, astronomically and spiritually. One crop circle recently formed shows the solar system as the planet will line up on May 6 th 2101, complete with the asteroid belt that envelops the inner planets in our solar system. The only thing missing from the formation WAS EARTH! That's some serious food for thought.

We've all heard about the "men in black" who seem to haunt certain experiencers and researchers in the field of Ufology. Well, researchers of crop circles seem to be as vulnerable as the rest of us when it comes to "spooks." An example of that is the side story Colin told us about his brief contact with Ed Dames and his remote viewers. Colin stated that he had been told , "20 out of 20 of Ed Dame's Remote veiwers claimed that crop circles had been put there by extraterrestrials for other extraterrestrials to see and had nothing to do with us." Several years ago, for 12 days in a row, always at about the same time each day, Colin's home security system had been tripped by someone entering his home and activating the microwave, radar and heat sensing devices in his office where the database and samples of crop circles was kept. He says he knows these activations were not accidents as he designed the system that was employed. Each time the system was tripped, the police were summoned, neighbors were disturbed as was his family. AT was really getting to be a real pain when, after 12 consecutive days, it finally stopped. Some time passed and when next Colin spoke with Ed Dames, Ed told him that The governmet had sent remote viewers to Colin's home for several days in a row, always at about the same time each day, to keep and eye on him and see what he had in the way of information, evidence and to get a look at Colin's database.

Colin states that he has proof that the CIA infiltrated the CCCS (Center for Crop Circle Studies). Some time ago, while still living in England, he was introduced, on a television show, to a man who claimed to have witnessed a crop circle forming. Sometime after this first meeting, this man arrived at Colin's home. He was very demanding and insisted that Colin's colleague be present also. Colin called his friend and co-researcher who agreed to make the 17 mile trip to Colin's home. The whole evening was filled with questions directed first towards Colin. Then, the same question was asked of his friend. The man had told Colin that he had something important he wanted to tell him and his colleague but never would tell them what he wanted. Finally, Colin's friend became fed up with the strange man and left. Colin then grabbed his coat and went outside to walk up and down the drive with this man, still answering questions. Finally, in the wee hours of the morning this man told Colin that, "now, you are one of us." Colin asked him what he meant by this and was told three letters "CIA" They wanted his database for the "real" circles. That is where their meeting ended.

Throughout Colin's entire talk, there were beautiful slides of various crop formations shown on the screen behind him, each one with a facinating story as to how itwas found. And he did show a slide of a stunning red and yellow "plasmic" UFO photographed in New Mexico by a man named Carlos Diaz. Carlos claims he was walking near a wooded area when he saw what he thought was a fire in the woods. When he went to investigate he found this strange UFO hovering over a clearing, close to the ground. He could see four tube-like things in the center of this UFO and they appeared to be pulsing back and forth. Carlos claimed the UFO was somewhat transparent, with red and yellow sections. He got the feeling that the UFO itself was actually alive when he entered it. Something told him he could only enter through the yellow parts of the craft, so he did just that.

He told of traveling over pyramids and people and that he could see colors and auras over the pyramids and people and all living things he and the craft passed over. Each thing had a distinct aura about it that was only visible from inside this ship/creature. He took several excellent photos of the craft, which Colin showed us. What seemed to interest everyone was the fact taht Carlos could see three glowing spots within the aura of the pyramid and the position of these spot coincides exactly with the three glowing area recently found in the comet Hale-Bopp. It is believed by many peoples and cultures around the world that Hale-Bopp is the harbinger of something big, something dramatic and life changing, to come.

Colin's talk was informative and enlightening and uplifting in many ways. For those of you who aren't interested in the fascinating scientific facts of the case for crop circles, just looking at the many, many beautiful designs is awesome! I strongly suggest you take time to hear one of Colin's talks should you ever find the opportunity!

One more thing. Last year's CPR subscribers were responsible for the success in photographing the crop formations from the air. For a contribution of $65.00 or more towards the 1996 program, CPR will send you twelve of the best formation photos. Please send your name, address (don't forget the ZIP code!) and contribution amount to: CPR International P.O. Box 3378 Branford, Ct. 06405-1978 Thanks, in advance, for your support!

Debbie Jordan-Kauble
Dave Kauble

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